Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the influence of different types of disruptions in childhood parental care before the age of 15 years as risk factors for major depression in women aged 18 to 44 years. The types of disruptions studied were parental death, parental separation or divorce, other types of loss (i.e. adoption, foster-care, etc.), and prolonged separation from both parents. Potential confounding factors were also examined.
Method: The data were obtained from a community probability sample. Caseness was determined by the use of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS) and both the current (one month) and lifetime prevalence periods were considered. Logistic regression was used to model the influence of each factor, singly and adjusted for the influence of other factors, on the risk for major depression.
Results: It was found that in this population 17% had experienced some type of parental loss (parental death 4%, separations/divorce 10% and other types of loss 3%) and 11% had experienced prolonged separation from both parents. Parental loss was significantly associated with lifetime depression, but this effect was no longer significant when adjusted for other factors. However, prolonged separation from both parents was associated with an increased risk of current and lifetime depressive episodes of approximately three to fourfold, even when the risk was adjusted for other factors.
Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that prolonged separation from both parents has a stronger association with current or lifetime depression in women than do parental death, separation/divorce and other types of loss. Prolonged separation may be a marker for other risk factors and may not be a risk factor on its own.