Background: The involvement of selenium (Se) in immune response has been increasingly recognized, cell-mediated immunity being principally affected by Se deficiency. Blood Se levels in chronic uraemic patients are frequently lower than in controls, and in these patients cellular immunity in generally impaired.
Methods: The present study was designed to assess the effects of Se supplementation over 6 consecutive months on immune parameters in haemodialysis (HD) patients from Rostock (Germany) and Chieti (Italy). In both cities, five patients were supplemented with Se (500 micrograms thrice weekly for 3 months, then 200 micrograms thrice weekly for the next 3 months), whereas another five patients received placebo. All Se determinations were performed in a single laboratory.
Results: In both cities, basic plasma Se levels were significantly lower in patients than in their corresponding normal controls. After beginning Se supplementation, plasma Se concentration promptly normalized and levelled off in the normal range throughout the study. Se administration was well tolerated by all patients, and no side-effects attributable to Se toxicity were observed. Although no major change in immunocompetent cells (white blood count, total lymphocyte count, lymphocyte subpopulations) was observed during Se therapy, an improvement in T-cell response to phytohaemoagglutinin (as evaluated in Rostock patients) and a significant progressive increase in delayed-type hypersensitivity (as evaluated in Chieti patients) was observed in supplemented patients. After 6 months of Se therapy, the increase in delayed-type hypersensitivity of supplemented patients proved to be significantly higher when compared to both presupplementation values and to the results found in non-supplemented patients. Three months after suspension of Se supplementation, plasma Se levels and delayed hypersensitivity significantly decreased in Chieti patients, with both parameters returning similar to presupplementation values.
Conclusions: In accordance with previous studies done in non-uraemic subjects, our investigation demonstrates for the first time the immunostimulatory properties of Se in HD patients. Though several problems on Se metabolism in uraemia remain unresolved, in our opinion moderate and safe Se supplementation can be beneficial in chronic uraemic patients.