Purpose: To demonstrate follow-up results of stent placement in aortic and iliac stenoses.
Materials and methods: A total of 109 patients with 118 aortoiliac stenoses underwent placement of self-expanding stents. Mean length of the stenotic segments was 3 cm +/- 2 (standard deviation). Mean ankle-arm index at rest was 0.58 +/- 0.2. A total of 101 patients were followed up angiographically or clinically.
Results: A mean of 1.2 stents +/- 0.5 were inserted per case. Clinical stage improved in 112 cases; it improved two or more stages in 89 cases. Mean ankle-arm index improved to 0.92 +/- 0.17. Total and major complication rates were 6.8% and 3.4%, respectively. Subacute occlusion occurred in four patients. Late stent obstruction occurred after a mean of 27 months (range, 16-48 months) in 10 cases. Primary patency was 95% after 1 year and 88% after 2 years; 4-year patency was 82%. Secondary patency was 96% after 1 year and 93% after 2 years. Three- and 4-year secondary patency were both 91%.
Conclusion: Placement of self-expanding stents in iliac stenoses is technically safe and offers sufficient follow-up patency.