A total of 2048 urine specimens were examined to assess the infection prevalence and epidemiological factors of T. vaginalis amongst students in a Nigerian higher institution. Five hundred and five students were infected (24.7%). This included 131 (15.6%) males and 374 (31.0%) females. More male than female students were found to be asymptomatic. Infection was significantly higher in females than males and in the second and third than the fourth and fifth decades of life (P < 0.05). Infection increases progressively with increase in the number of sexual partners. The use and neglect of condoms were also assessed. The pH range of the vagina of most infected females was between 5.8-8.2. Clinical symptoms noted among females were local tenderness, vulval pruritus and intermittent burning sensations in addition to profuse vaginal discharges. The public health implication of the findings and some epidemiological factors enhancing the disease transmission are presented.