A case report of a patient who suffered from a rapidly progressive lung adenocarcinoma with malignant pleural effusions, is given. The patient failed to respond on two series of conventional cytotoxic drug therapy (Carboplatin, Etoposide). Interleukin-2 (IL-2) treatment was first started as intrapleural instillations (3.0 million IU per day in 6 days). A clear clinical response was achieved with ceasing of the pleural effusion, and the overall disease became stable. In the peripheral blood, there was an increase of CD4 positive lymphocytes that remained elevated after finishing the installation period. Both in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), and in the pleural fluid, there was a marked decrease of cells recovered, possibly due to an enhanced tissue attachment of activated cells. A second analysis with subtyping of lymphocytes in BAL was impossible due to the low cell number. In the pleural fluid, the fractions of CD3 positive cells increased from 20 to 71% while the ratio between CD4 and CD8 remained persistently elevated at 6.1:1. Because of the disappearance of the pleural effusion, the patient was thereafter treated with IL-2 given as a continuous infusion (18 million IU per square-metre during 24 hours for 5 days). Hereby a more pronounced cell response was achieved in the peripheral blood. In contrast to the intrapleural treatment route, not only CD4 positive cells, but also the numbers of natural killer cells (NK) increased. However this treatment was also associated with a much higher degree of side effects. It can be concluded from both intrapleural and intravenous IL-2 therapy, that a clinical and immunological response was achieved.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)