We report immunohistochemical localization of cholecystokinin (CCK)-like immunoreactivity at the light and electron microscopy (EM) level in pulmonary neuroendocrine (NE) cells of human and other mammals (monkey, rabbit, rat, hamster, pig, dog and lamb). In addition, immunolocalization of CCK-like peptide was compared with that of bombesin (predominant peptide in human lung) and serotonin (an amine found in NE cells of most species). While CCK-like and serotonin-like immunoreactivity were identified in both solitary NE cells and NE cell clusters (neuroepithelial bodies, NEB) of all species studied, bombesin-like immunoreactive NE cells were found in human and monkey lungs only. The distribution and intensity of immunostaining for CCK-like peptide varied between species with some showing relatively high levels of expression (e.g., monkey, piglet, dog and lamb), others intermediate (human, rabbit) or weak immunostaining (rat, hamster). At the EM level, CCK-like immunoreactivity was localized in dense-core vesicles (DCV), the expected site of peptide storage. Using a double immunolabeling technique, CCK and serotonin were colocalized in some, but not all DCV. The potential role of CCK in the lung (or for other pulmonary peptides) may include a variety of functions such as modulation of bronchial or vascular tone, growth factor-like and/or hormonal effects.