Between December 1986 and December 1991, the Italian Cooperative Group on AIDS-related tumours documented 94 HIV related solid tumours. Of 21 germinal testicular tumours collected, ten were seminomas. Cervical carcinoma was observed observed in 28 IVDAs (intraepithelial in 8 and advanced, with rapid progression, in one). Lung cancer associated with HIV infection was reported in 14 patients. Also reported were two cases of colorectal carcinoma, one anorectal carcinoma, one pancreatic carcinoma, one carcinoid, one oral carcinoma. Of the central nervous system tumours, were diagnosed 3 cases of glioblastomas, one medulloblastoma and one meningioma. This retrospective study shows that while oral and anorectal tumours were very rarely observed, a wide spectrum of other HIV-related solid tumours were found in this series. The required therapeutic approaches may not necessarily be influenced by the HIV infection, in contrast with the observed pattern for treatment of EKS and lymphomas in HIV infected subjects.