DNA content analysis of formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue permits determination of the influence of DNA content on the prognosis in cohorts of patients for whom the clinical outcome is known. Of key importance in such an analysis is the accuracy of DNA content determination. Variations in the quality of DNA histograms from FFPE tissues of different types prompted a comparative evaluation of the preparative methodology of FFPE soft tissue sarcomas for DNA flow cytometry. Following deparaffination and rehydration of fixed tissue, and prior to fluorochrome staining, tissue blocks of 15 DNA aneuploid soft tissue sarcomas were subjected to repeated experimental (time x concentration) enzyme exposures. The goal of these studies was to define the optimal tissue specific retrieval technique with the coefficient of variation, maintenance of DNA aneuploidy, and DNA index as endpoints. After optimizing the technique, the DNA content of 50 soft tissue neoplasms derived from FFPE specimens was compared to the corresponding fresh surgical tissue. The observed 14 percent error rate in the determination of DNA ploidy status suggest limited utility for FFPE tissue in prospective therapeutic trials of soft tissue sarcoma.