The esophagi of Wistar rats were irradiated by a Nd-YAG-laser and studied by light and transmission electron microscopy immediately, 2 days and 14 days after the operation. In the immediate group the lasercentre showed a destruction of the stratified epithelium. On the contrary the cells and fibres of the underlying connective tissue were hardly affected. In the lasercentre we have found occlusion of microvascular lumina. Both the layer of smooth muscular tissue and the layer of skeletal muscular tissue showed defects in their myofilaments and altered nuclei. The damage of the skeletal muscle fibres extended up to 4 mm distant from the lasercentre. After 2 days a migrating epithelial sheet was present below the necrotic epithelium and an inflammatory reaction was found in the connective tissue. After 14 days a new regenerated epithelium and an underlying granulation tissue had caused a stenosis of the esophageal lumen. The smooth and striated muscle fibres also showed signs of regeneration. We assume a high regenerative capacity of all involved tissues.