We review recent data on the plasticity of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons as revealed during cultivation in vitro. Some experiments on cultured developing DRG neurons and on adult DRG neurons in vivo are also mentioned. Cultured developing and adult DRG neurons can be switched from an apolar to a multipolar phenotype by fetal calf serum or fibronectin. The effect is concentration dependent and occurs through an early modification of cell-substratum interaction. Adult DRG neurons synthesize and release within hours after injury TGF beta-1, which is a mitogen and a differentiation factor for Schwann cells. Finally, adult DRG neurons express in vitro neurotransmitters that are not expressed in vivo. This neurotransmitter plasticity can be modulated in vitro by some growth factors and in vivo by distal or proximal axotomy.