We report the results of penile venous ligation in 18 consecutive patients with erectile insufficiency due to corporeal venous occlusive dysfunction. Patient age ranged from 25 to 65 years (mean 47). Duration of erectile dysfunction ranged from 9 to 468 months (mean 95) and followup ranged from 12 to 37 months (mean 24). Of 18 patients 11 (61%) have sufficient persistent improvement in erections to permit unaided coitus. Of 7 failures 6 had temporary improvement in erections after the procedure: in 5 the improvement lasted 6 months or less, while only 1 had lasting improvement (24 months) before relapse. Reports of results of penile venous ligation should not include patients who have been followed for less than 12 months. Longer followup is needed before results of penile venous ligation beyond 2 years are known.