The specific IgA antibody responses to the protective recombinant Schistosoma mansoni 28-kDa glutathione-S-transferase (Sm28GST) Ag and to derived synthetic peptides have been evaluated before and 6 mo after chemotherapy in S. mansoni-infected patients from Kenya. These studies revealed a parallelism between the age-dependent evolution of IgA antibody levels to Sm28GST and to one synthetic peptide (115-131) and the acquisition of resistance to reinfection. Functional analysis revealed that IgA antibodies to Sm28GST displayed a potent neutralizing effect on the enzymatic properties of the molecule, and also markedly impaired schistosome fecundity, by limiting both the egg laying of mature worms and the hatching capacity of schistosome eggs into viable miracidia. These results suggest that, in addition to IgE, IgA antibodies might participate in the protective immune response against schistosomiasis.