A continuous linkage map consisting of 22 short tandem repeat polymorphisms has been constructed for human chromosome 12 using 23 non-CEPH pedigrees. The markers were distributed at an average distance of 9.35 cM (3.1-33.9 cM). Eighteen of the markers could be positioned uniquely with a likelihood of > 1000:1. The physical locations of some of the markers suggest that the map covers 85-95% of the chromosome. This framework map of 18 markers has a female length of 213 cM and a male length of 131 cM. Female recombination frequencies were greater than male recombination frequencies except in the distal portion of the short arm. The map provides confirmatory evidence for orders established previously on CEPH pedigrees and uniquely positions 4 additional markers (CD4, ATPSB, D12S56, PLA2).