The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) open reading frame 10 (ORF10) protein is the homolog of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) protein VP16. These are two virion tegument proteins that have extensive amino acid sequence identity in their amino-terminal and middle domains. ORF10, however, lacks the acidic carboxy terminus which is critical for transactivation by VP16. Earlier studies showed that VZV ORF10 does not form a tertiary complex with the TAATGARAT regulatory element (where R is a purine) with which HSV-1 VP16 interacts, suggesting that ORF10 may not have transactivating ability. Using transient-expression assays, we show that VZV ORF10 is able to transactivate VZV immediate-early (IE) gene (ORF62) and HSV-1 IE gene (ICP4 and ICP0) promoters. Furthermore, cell lines stably expressing ORF10 complement the HSV-1 mutant in1814, which lacks the transactivating function of VP16, and enhance the de novo synthesis of infectious virus following transfection of HSV-1 virion DNA. These results indicate that ORF10, like its HSV-1 homolog VP16, is a transactivating protein despite the absence of sequences similar to the VP16 carboxy-terminal domain. The transactivating function of the VZV ORF10 tegument protein may be critical for efficient initiation of viral infection.