A survey was undertaken to determine the number of centers in Canada with an active involvement in extraoral osseointegration. It was found that six centers had placed 222 implants in 91 patients in Canada. The individual implant success rates for the Canadian experience were compared with the published Swedish and United States' experience. The Canadian experience is combined with the Swedish and United States' experience to provide retrospective multinational multicenter data. The data given should be viewed as providing trends only and not as definitive expectations of predictable success rates. The success rates are considered likely to change with time as the number of patients treated increases and the duration of follow-up is extended. The mastoid region in nonradiated patients is considered to provide a high degree of predictable individual implant success. The success rates in radiated patients yield far lower success rates, which vary with anatomic location. The criteria for success in using craniofacial implants need to be defined and should reflect the differences between extraoral and intraoral implants.