In order to investigate the combined influence of age and light, the b-wave and oscillatory potentials (OPs) of the electroretinogram (ERG) were recorded in 1.5-, 7- and 12-month-old WAG/Rij rats, reared under homogenous low-intensity cyclic light exposure. Wistar albino rats of the same ages, reared under the same conditions, served as controls. The b-wave amplitude decreased, and its implicit time increased in the older age groups significantly more in WAG/Rij than in Wistar rats. Statistical analysis indicated that the b-wave amplitude is a more suitable parameter than implicit time in differentiating the ERG variations of one rat strain from the other. The added amplitude of the OPs also decreased in older age groups, but differently from the b wave. This occurred in WAG/Rij rats already at 1.5 months of age.