Fifty-two patients with 84 proximal Fallopian tube obstructions underwent Fallopian tube recanalization (FTR). The successful catheterization rate for Fallopian tubal ostia was 100%, and the successful recanalization rate was 64%. After FTR, hysterosalpingography or selective tubography showed no evidence of adhesion (without adhesion) in 31 tubes, perifimbrial adhesion in 17 tubes, hydrosalpinx in six tubes, and intratubal adhesion in 30 tubes (unsuccessful recanalization). Six patients (11%) achieved intrauterine pregnancies and two had extrauterine pregnancies. Follow-up studies in seven patients without adhesion showed patency in one patient and reocclusion in six patients who obtained repatency after a second FTR. Fallopian tube catheterization was useful for the exact diagnosis of Fallopian tube occlusion. The higher incidence of adhesion in patients' background caused the low incidence of pregnancy.