The aims of this work were to histochemically compare the pattern of lectin binding and endolectin expression in different portions of nephrons of two rodent species producing either normal hyperosmotic urine (the laboratory mouse) or highly concentrated urine (Acomys russatus, the golden spiny mouse). A panel of biotinylated lectins and neoglycoproteins and the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex technique were used on Bouin's fixed, paraffin-embedded sections. Various segments of the uriniferous tubule in both species showed differential affinity for labelled lectins and neoglycoproteins. Significant differences were also evident between comparable tubular segments in laboratory and golden spiny mouse kidneys. Whether the histochemical expression of sugar moieties of glycoconjugates as well as endolectins, thus both sides of presumed protein-carbohydrate interactions, may be correlated to the various glycoproteins which would include constituents of the glycocalyx and domains of a variety of transport enzymes deserves further studies.