A novel murine monoclonal antibody (MAb 174H.64) was labeled with 99mTc by a direct method. MAb 174H.64 detects a cytokeratin-associated antigen which is expressed by over 90% of all squamous cell carcinomas. Panendoscopy, sonography and computerized tomography scan were performed in all cases as well as magnetic resonance imaging (in selected patients). Pre-operative immunoscintigraphy was performed in 21 patients with histologically proven primary carcinomas (18 with remaining primary tumors and 3 with lymph node recurrences). Scintigraphic images were obtained 4-6 h after injection of 1.1 GBq of the 99mTc-labeled antibody (2 mg). Late images were acquired 18 to 24 h after injection. Single-Photon-Emission-Computed Tomography (SPECT) of the head and thorax was performed in all patients. The primary tumors were immunoscintigraphically visualized in all 18 patients with remaining primary tumor. Fifteen of 18 loco-regional lymph node metastases were visualized by immunoscintigraphy (the smallest lesions had a diameter of < 1 cm), in one patient lymph node metastases were detected by immunoscan only. Two metastatically involved lymph nodes were identified by histology only (micrometastases). Distant metastases were present in 3 patients, of which two were identified by immunoscintigraphy. Immuno-SPECT according to this method was a sensitive and specific imaging modality for preoperative staging of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and detected lymph node metastases with higher accuracy than conventional clinical and imaging modalities.