We treated 30 patients aged six months to nine years with congenital penile curvature from 1988 to 1993. Twenty-four patients appeared to have a primary curvature with normal corpus spongiosum. In 12 of these 24 patients dissecting skin and dartos fascia were adequate to straighten the penis. In the other 12 patients, artificial erection demonstrated a varied degree of convexity of the penis after the skin and dartos fascia release, implying a disproportion of the corpora cavernosa bodies. We corrected this deformity using dorsal tumica albuginea plications (TAP). The remaining 6 patients presented with a primary curvature and hypoplastic urethra. In 5 of these patients we divided the hypoplastic midportion of the urethra leaving the meatus naturally on the glans and replaced the midurethral segment using a tubularized island flap. Of these 5 patients 2 required TAP for penile straightening. The final patient with a hypoplastic urethra was managed by preserving the urethral plate and applying an only island flap urethroplasty. Complications were one fistula and two mild ventral penile curvatures, presently not severe enough for reoperation (mean follow-up 2.6 years). We present a systematic approach for the repair of congenital penile curvature using intraoperative artificial erection, TAP, and the island flap urethroplasty when needed.