A 59-year old female who complained of chest discomfort was admitted to our hospital. Electrocardiogram (ECG) on admission and treadmill exercise test showed negative for ischemia. She underwent coronary arteriography. Initial angiography showed there was no significant coronary arterial stenosis. However, when we were preparing the spasm provocation test, she complained of the same kind of chest discomfort as she had felt before. We found that ST segment was elevated in both the anterior and inferior leads on the ECG. Coronary arteriography showed that severe spasm occurred in both the left anterior descending artery (Seg. 6) and the right coronary artery (Seg. 1). Heart rate decreased and electromechanical dissociation occurred. She temporarily lost consciousness. After cardiopulmonary resuscitation, she recovered and the elevation of ST segment returned on the ECG. This is the first case report which has documented spontaneous simultaneous multivessel coronary spasm by coronary arteriography.