The BBZ/Wor rat is a model of obesity and autoimmune diabetes mellitus developed by crossing the BB/Wor and Zucker rats. We studied circulating glucose and insulin levels, islet morphology and lymphocyte subsets in lean and obese BBZ/Wor rats before and after the onset of diabetes, and studied the clinical course of diabetes in animals after interruption of exogenous insulin therapy. Lean BBZ/Wor rats developed insulin-dependent diabetes and died in ketoacidosis within 1 week after cessation of insulin injections. Diabetes also developed in obese rats, but these animals were not insulin-dependent and survived for months without insulin therapy. The islets of the lean diabetic rats revealed complete destruction of pancreatic beta cells and plasma insulin levels were virtually undetectable. In contrast, the islets of the obese rats revealed insulitis and substantial beta-cell loss, however autoimmune beta-cell destruction was incomplete, and residual beta cells were presumably responsible for the presence of measurable levels of plasma insulin and the long-term survival of obese diabetics without insulin therapy. Obese rats were hyperinsulinaemic, developed diabetes significantly earlier, and with a greater incidence than lean rats, suggesting a possible relationship between enhanced beta-cell metabolic activity and immune destruction. Obese males became diabetic more frequently and at an earlier age than obese females and lean rats of both sexes, suggesting a role for gender in the pathogenesis of diabetes. We conclude that the BBZ/Wor rat is a unique animal model for investigating the interaction of obesity, beta-cell metabolism, autoimmune insulitis and genetic predisposition to diabetes.