The membrane-associated 45- and 55-kDa forms of phosphatidylinositol (PI) 4-kinase (ATP:phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphotransferase, EC from Saccharomyces cerevisiae are inhibited by ADP by a competitive mechanism with respect to ATP. We initiated studies toward defining the ATP and ADP sites on the PI 4-kinases using azidonucleotide photoaffinity labeling probes. The photoprobe 8-azido-ATP fulfilled the criteria of a specific photoaffinity label for the 45- and 55-kDa PI 4-kinases. 8-Azido-ATP was a substrate and a competitive inhibitor of the PI 4-kinases with Ki values similar to the Km for ATP. 8-Azido-ATP photoinactivated the enzymes and was photoincorporated into the enzymes in a dose-dependent manner at concentrations similar to the Ki values for the photoprobe. ATP, the true substrate, provided specific protection against photoinactivation and photoincorporation of the PI 4-kinases with 8-azido-ATP, whereas GTP, a nonspecific nucleotide, provided no protection against photoinactivation and photoincorporation. Photoaffinity labeling of the PI 4-kinases with 8-azido-ATP was specifically prevented with ADP. The photoprobe 8-azido-ADP also fulfilled the criteria needed to validate its use as a specific photoprobe for the PI 4-kinases. Photoinactivation of the PI 4-kinases with 8-azido-ADP was prevented specifically with ATP. Taken together, these data supported the conclusion that the ATP and ADP sites on the membrane-associated 45- and 55-kDa PI 4-kinases from S. cerevisiae were the same.