From 1.10.1972 until 1.1.1993 176 patients underwent esophageal resection for cancer of the esophagus. There were 72.7% squamous cell carcinomas and 24.4% adenocarcinomas. pTNM staging was as follows: Stage I: 7.3%; stage IIa: 33.5%; stage IIb: 11.9% and stage III 47.1%. The resection was performed in 92.6% by an abdominothoracic approach. Reconstruction was usually performed by transposition of the stomach. Only in 8 patients colon was used for esophageal replacement. The complication rate was 34.6%, mainly pulmonary complications were seen. The rate of anastomotic insufficiency was 6.2%. Hospital mortality was 15.3%, but decreased from 29.1% in the years 1972-1982 to 10.1% in the last decade. There was a significant correlation between the 5-year-survival-rate and the tumor staging respectively the lymph node involvement. The long-term results showed a relatively high percentage of reflux complaints and persistent dysphagia. But the general condition and quality of life were considered subjectively by 53.5% as good and by 42.8% as moderate. From these results it can be concluded, that surgery today offers the best chances for potential cure and a high quality of life.