Primary closure of the common bile duct following exploration has been safely and effectively performed, as advocated by Halsted, provided no evidence of pancreatitis, cholangitis, or ampullary obstruction exists. Using this precedent, the operative management and clinical course of 29 patients undergoing common bile duct exploration (CBDE) for choledocholithiasis from 1986 to 1992 were reviewed. Ten patients had primary closure of the common bile duct (CBD) following choledochotomy and exploration, and 17 patients had t-tube placement. Two patients had CBDE through an enlarged cystic duct that was then ligated. Patients were selected for t-tube placement if they had pancreatitis, ascending cholangitis, evidence of retained stones, or ampullary obstruction. Two patients in this series died. No patient with primary closure of the CBD suffered a biliary complication including retained stones, biliary fistula, pancreatitis, or bile peritonitis. Serious systemic complications were comparable in both groups. The results of this series support the safety of primary common bile duct closure in selected cases.