GDP liganded tubulin, which is inactive in microtubule assembly, polymerizes into rings more readily than the active GTP liganded protein. The structure of double rings made of highly purified GDP-tubulin has been characterized to 3 nm resolution with synchrotron X-ray solution scattering. The scattering profile has characteristic maxima due to closely packed double rings of 38 nm mean diameter, with a 5.5 nm mean spacing between the rings, and a 4.2 nm centre-to-centre spacing between non-globular tubulin monomers within both rings. There are probably 24 and 32 monomers in the inner and outer ring, respectively, and the double ring population is more than 75% homogeneous in size. Comparison of this double ring structure to the lattice of tubulin molecules in microtubules indicates that the tubulin rings are equivalent to pairs of protofilament segments curved tangentially to the microtubule surface, with bending angles of 30 degrees and 22.5 degrees per tubulin alpha beta dimer. When the rings are modelled employing the same non-globular tubulin monomer as in microtubules, the best computer fitted scattering profiles correspond to monomer orientations equivalent to two microtubule protofilaments coiled sideways, with same or opposite polarity. Rings constitute the equilibrium assembly state of GDP-tubulin, which is tensioned inside microtubules after GTP hydrolysis, causing their functional instability. In analogy with other nucleotide binding proteins, the inactive/active structural switch of tubulin is induced by the binding of the gamma phosphate and a coordinated Mg ion. It should involve domain rearrangements which cancel the bending of the tubulin dimer in the ring structure.