Reflux esophagitis is a common disease in infants and can be diagnosed largely by esophageal biopsy. In adults, chronic esophagitis may lead to Barrett's esophagus, a premalignant condition for esophageal cancer development. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) is used as an early marker for colon cancer development. No data are available on the role of ODC in reflux esophagitis in the pediatric population. In this study we retrospectively analyzed ODC activity in esophageal biopsies of children who underwent upper endoscopy. According to the esophageal histology, patients were divided into three groups: normal mucosa, mild, and moderate/severe esophagitis. None of our patients had esophageal metaplasia or cancer. ODC level was significantly higher in the moderate/severe esophagitis group compared to mild and normal mucosa group. We conclude that ODC activity is directly proportional to the severity of the esophageal inflammation/regenerative process in children with reflux esophagitis.