Postmortem infectious lesions were analyzed in 63 patients with bacteremia and fungemia. Bacterial infection was found in 36 patients, deep mycoses in 27 and cytomegalovirus infection in 7. Among deep mycoses patients, yeast was noticed in 17, Aspergillus in 13 and Mucor in one. Infectious lesions were not observed in 10 cases. Fifteen cases of 23 leukopenic patients were complicated with deep mycoses. Deep mycoses was noticed in 43% of bacteremia and fungemia patients, but not in candicemia patients. Fungemia due to Candida was related to blood access, however, not to deep mycoses. On the other hand, disseminated mycoses was found in 4 of 5 cases with Trichosporon beigelii fungemia. T. beigelii infection is noticeably life-threatening to the immunocompromised host.