In the course of the Third Frankfurt Talks, for the first time a congress in dermatology was dedicated exclusively to cell and tissue culture models. The complexity of a whole organ, in this case the skin, could be reduced to single aspects without losing the holistic context. Ways of managing this were discussed on an interdisciplinary level by dermatologists, physiologists, pharmacologists and biologists. The results are also expected to be useful to the clinician. Focus points of in vitro investigations for dermatology are wound closure models and the use of in vitro skin for transplantation in the therapy of non-healing ulcers and vitiligo. As an alternative to animal experiments, cultures of human cells are gaining increasing influence in drug testing. The effect of glucocorticosteroids on normal skin fibroblasts, keratinocytes and permanent cell lines is discussed as an example, and in vitro models of diseases such as psoriasis are established. Additionally, basic events such as differentiation and ageing have been modelled in cell cultures of melanocytes and keratinocytes. Mechanical stress, UV radiation and nicotine are discussed as inductors.