The EMB30 gene is involved in apical-basal pattern formation in the Arabidopsis embryo. Mutations in this locus produce mutants with a wide range of seedling phenotypes, but all of the mutants lack a root and a true hypocotyl. We have cloned the EMB30 gene, and it encodes a protein that has similarity to the yeast Sec7 protein and to two other open reading frames identified in clones from humans and C. elegans. We refer to the region of similarity among these four sequences as the Sec7 domain. The emb30-1 allele has a mutation in the Sec7 domain that alters a residue conserved in all four of these sequences, suggesting that this domain may be important for EMB30 function. Molecular data and microscopy studies of emb30 seedlings presented here indicate that EMB30 affects cell division, elongation, and adhesion and functions in seedling and adult plants as well as during embryogenic pattern formation.