Background: A large cross-sectional study provided an opportunity to estimate the prevalence of childhood asthma in several regions across Canada.
Methods: In 1988, approximately 18,000 questionnaires were distributed to the families of 5-8 year old children in 30 communities from the following six regions across Canada: the interior of British Columbia, southeastern Saskatchewan, southwestern Ontario, the central region of Ontario, southern Quebec, and the Maritimes (Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island). These communities were free of point-source air pollutants and selected to represent a range of ambient sulphate concentrations. In all 14,948 questionnaires were returned representing an 83% response rate.
Results: Currently present, physician-diagnosed asthma was reported for 4.7% of children by their parents. Persistent wheezing was reported for 13% and persistent cough for 5.9%. Asthma was most common in the two Maritime provinces (7.4%), and least common in British Columbia (3.3%) and Quebec (3.4%). Similar regional differences were seen for persistent cough, persistent wheeze, and also hospital separation rates for asthma which were approximately 800 per 100,000 for the Maritimes and 396 per 100,000 for British Columbia. Differences persisted despite adjustments for several host and environmental (indoor and outdoor) characteristics.
Conclusions: The east coast of Canada may be an endemic area of asthma in Canada. If confirmed by objective measures of asthma, a detailed aetiologic investigation could enhance understanding of this phenomenon and the major environmental determinants of asthma morbidity in general.