This study investigated the possible interaction of FN fragments in regulating IL-8-mediated neutrophil chemotaxis in vitro using Neuroprobe microchambers. Human neutrophil suspensions were incubated with purified FN fragments or an RGD-containing peptide and allowed to migrate in response to chemotactically active concentrations of human recombinant IL-8. The 120-kD fragment of FN containing the RGD sequence or an RGD peptide (GRGDSP) inhibited IL-8-mediated neutrophil chemotaxis; however, these RGD peptides did not inhibit neutrophil chemotaxis in response to other chemotactic agents. Furthermore, FN fragments not containing the RGD sequence had no effect on IL-8-mediated chemotaxis. These data suggest that directed migration of neutrophils in response to IL-8 is inhibited in the presence of cell-binding fragments of FN and may represent a local mechanism for terminating neutrophil migration at areas of tissue injury.