A novel Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite antigen, STARP (Sporozoite Threonine and Asparagine-Rich Protein), detected consistently on the surface of sporozoites obtained from laboratory strains and field isolates, has been identified and cloned, following a systematic approach aimed at isolating novel non-CS sporozoite surface antigens. The 2.0-kb STARP gene has a 5' miniexon/large central exon structure and contains a complex repetitive region encoding multiple dispersed motifs and tandem 45- and 10-amino acid repeats. In sporozoites, transcription of the STARP gene has been conclusively demonstrated by reverse PCR and Northern blot hybridisation and the 78-kDa protein has been localized by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy to the sporozoite surface. STARP is also expressed in liver stages, as revealed by immunofluorescence assays using antisera raised either to the central repetitive region or the C-terminal non-repetitive region. Expression is also detected in early ring stages, though not in mature erythrocytic or sexual stages. Identification and elucidation of this novel antigen is a step forward in current efforts aimed at developing an effective preerythrocytic-stage malaria vaccine.