Using simple linear fragments of the Chinese hamster adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) gene as targeting vectors, we have investigated the homology dependence of targeted recombination at the endogenous APRT locus in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. We have examined the effects of varying either the overall length of targeting sequence homology or the length of 5' or 3' flanking homology on both the frequency of targeted homologous recombination and the types of recombination events that are obtained. We find an exponential (logarithmic) relationship between length of APRT targeting homology and the frequency of targeted recombination at the CHO APRT locus, with the frequency of targeted recombination dependent upon both the overall length of targeting homology and the length of homology flanking each side of the target gene deletion. Although most of the APRT+ recombinants analyzed reflect simple targeted replacement or conversion of the target gene deletion, a significant fraction appear to have arisen by target gene-templated extension and correction of the targeting fragment sequences. APRT fragments with limited targeting homology flanking one side of the target gene deletion yield proportionately fewer target gene conversion events and proportionately more templated extension and vector correction events than do fragments with more substantial flanking homology.