A 180,388-bp contig encompassing the human retinoblastoma gene was sequenced in its entirety. Partial analysis of the sequence revealed (1) a high (A+T)/(G+C) ratio and a high density of Line-1 (L1) repeat sequences, suggesting that the locus maps to G-bands 13q14.12 or 13q14.2; (2) Alu repeats that are asymmetrically oriented over a region extending 87 kb; (3) an overabundance of non-Alu-associated poly(A) tracts 10 bp or larger oriented in the antisense rather than the sense direction (36 vs 6); (4) an Alu sequence nested within an L1 repeat, indicating that the expansion of L1 repeats predates at least some of the Alu expansions; (5) at least three newly discovered microsatellite polymorphisms, one of which was subsequently found to be identical to a polymorphism in a microsatellite-based linkage map of the human genome published by another group; and (6) the basis of previously discovered intragenic RFLPs. This sequence should enhance studies of this locus and of the organization of the human genome.