It is well known that the pyrimidine dimers are the main damage produced by UV radiation on the DNA structure. However, while studies on the photoproduct structure have been carried out extensively, uncertainties still exist on the implication that a single damaging event has on the overall conformation. In particular, the extension of the damage influence on the polynucleotide chain is a matter of debate. This problem is especially important to understanding some steps of the repair mechanisms. In this study we performed a chemical-physical characterization of 21 base pair oligonucleotides containing a single thymine dimer in one strand. Thermodynamic parameters were determined by means of thermal denaturation experiments, and static fluorescence measurements were performed to unequivocally define the primary structure-conformation relationship in this specific case. We used hydroxyl radicals, produced by means of gamma-irradiation of the sample solution, to detect fine structure changes. Our data show that the introduction of a single thymine dimer might cause only a slight distortion of the helix geometry, as judged by the evaluation of the enthalpic and the entropic terms and by the small changes observed in the binding of ethidium bromide to DNA. The modifications in the sugar phosphate backbone subsequent to the damaging event are especially evident, near the thymine dimer, toward the 5'-end direction in the strand containing the dimer.