43 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (mean age 36.8 years) were treated surgically. All the patients had disseminated bilateral disease with destruction. Preoperative bacteriological examination identified M.tuberculosis in 67.5% of the examinees. In two-thirds of them x-ray evidenced total pulmonary lesion. 40 subjects of all surgical patients underwent operation for bilateral fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis with caverns location in the upper lobe or upper lobe and 6 segment. The disease was diagnosed to be 1-3 years in duration. The interventions developed in the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Tuberculosis included: osteoplastic thoracoplasty, resection following osteoplastic thoracoplasty, atypical extrapleural resection with limited thoracoplasty, open treatment of the caverns. The surgery resulted in marked improvement (abacillation, cavernous healing) in 42 patients. Long-term follow-up recorded cure in 41 patients (95.3%).