Objective: Our purpose was to determine how residents in obstetrics and gynecology and fellows in maternal-fetal medicine are currently being trained to diagnose and manage gestational diabetes mellitus.
Study design: Questionnaires were mailed to 202 obstetrics and gynecology residency program directors and 78 maternal-fetal medicine fellowship directors.
Results: Sixty-four (82%) of the maternal-fetal medicine directors versus 142 (70%) of the residency directors responded. Universal screening, use of a 50 gm glucose challenge with a 1-hour-postingestion sample, no requirements for fasting before the screening test, use of two abnormal values on the 3-hour glucose tolerance test to define gestational diabetes mellitus, and initiation of insulin for elevated fasting glucose levels in spite of diet therapy were each recommended by > 90% of the respondents.
Conclusion: Although the optimal management of gestational diabetes mellitus remains controversial, program directors are in general agreement with many aspects of the diagnosis and management.