Using interspecific crosses between BALB/c and Mus spretus (SEG) mice, the murine reeler (rl) gene was mapped to the proximal region of chromosome 5 between the hepatocyte growth factor gene (Hgf) and the D5Mit66 microsatellite. The following order was defined: (centromere)-Cchl2a/Hgf-D5Mit1-D5Nam1/D5-Nam2 -rl/D5Mit61-D5Mit72-Xmv45-Htr5a- Peplb-D5Nam3-D5Mit66. Estimated distances between reeler and the nearest flanking markers D5Nam1 and D5Mit72 are 1.5 and 1.0 cM, respectively (95% confidence level), suggesting that the region could be physically mapped using a manageable number of YAC clones.