The activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione transferase and glyoxalase I have been studied during the embryologic development of rainbow trout (Salmo iridaeus) and in several other trout tissues to investigate the protective development metabolism. A gradual increase of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase, glyoxalase I and glutathione transferase activities was noted throughout embryo development. In all trout tissues investigated glutathione peroxidase was found to be extremely low compared to catalase activity. The highest activity of superoxide dismutase, glyoxalase I and glutathione reductase was found in liver followed by kidney. No change in the number of GST subunits was noted with the transition from the embryonic to the adult stages of life according to the SDS/PAGE and HPLC analyses performed on the GSH-affinity purified fractions.