Second malignant neoplasms (SMN) in individuals who survived childhood cancer have been reported with increasing frequency during the last decades. The overall probability of developing second malignancy for children treated for cancer was estimated at about 2-5% at 25 years. In children, the tumors most often associated with the development of SMN are retinoblastoma and Hodgkin's disease. We report two cases of unusual second tumors in two patients cured of lymphoid malignancy: one boy cured of acute lymphoblastic leukemia developed mediastinal ganglioneuroma nine years later and one girl had gastric carcinoma seven years after Hodgkin's disease. Both developed a tumor in nonirradiated areas. Gastric carcinoma and ganglioneuroma are not reported as recurrent SMN in survivors after childhood cancer, with one single case of gastric carcinoma and one of ganglioneuroblastoma having been reported as second tumor in survivors after childhood cancer.