The ability to produce nitric oxide (NO) of human monocytes macrophages is object of debate. While studying the regulation of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) synthesis induced by endotoxin (LPS) in a human cell line of monocyte origin (THP-1) and in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) we found an indirect evidence of such production. We showed that L-N-monomethyl-arginine (L-NMMA), an inhibitor of NO synthase, and hemoglobin, a chelator of NO, are able to significantly reduce TNF synthesis, indicating that NO production is induced by LPS and contributes to the induction of TNF. Since NO is a known cytostatic agent, we also studied the cytostatic effect of LPS, and demonstrated that it is reverted by L-NMMA. Although we were unable to show any nitrites/nitrates accumulation in the culture media, taken together our data give an indirect evidence of a physiologically relevant LPS-induced NO production in human monocytes-macrophages.