[Expression and significance of HBV DNA and its 5 antigens in liver cirrhosis]

Zhonghua Bing Li Xue Za Zhi. 1995 Feb;24(1):14-7.
[Article in Chinese]


Hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA and its 5 antigens were studied in 225 cases of paraffin-embedded sections of human liver cirrhosis obtained by biopsy. HBxAg, pre-S1 and pre-S2 antigens were detected by immunohistochemical ABC method, HBsAg and HBcAg by PAP method. HBV DNA by in situ hybridization, and both HBV DNA and HBsAg, HBxAg or HBcAg by double labelling technique of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization respectively. The results showed that the positive rates were 70.0% (128/183) for HBsAg, 64.4% (85/132) for pre-S1 antigen, 61.4% (81/132) for pre-S2 antigen, 75.3% (113/150) for HBxAg, 22.4% (39/174) for HBcAg and 62.4% (58/93) for HBV DNA respectively. The double labelling positive rates were 37.3% (19/51) for both HBV DNA and HBsAg, 86.3% (44/51) for both HBV DNA and HBxAg and 39.2% (20/51) for both HBV DNA and HBcAg respectively. More than 80% of the cases with positive sections for HBV DNA and its 5 antigens were associated with liver cell dysplasia (LCD). The results of this study suggest that the occurrence and development of liver cirrhosis were closely related to chronic infection of HBV in China.

Publication types

  • English Abstract

MeSH terms

  • DNA, Viral / analysis*
  • Hepatitis B Antigens / analysis*
  • Hepatitis B virus / genetics*
  • Hepatitis B*
  • Humans
  • Liver / immunology
  • Liver Cirrhosis / immunology*
  • Liver Cirrhosis / virology


  • DNA, Viral
  • Hepatitis B Antigens