Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is a fairly common condition affecting older children and adolescents, and has the potential for long-term, crippling sequelae. Early recognition is the single most important controllable factor, but the diagnosis is often missed or delayed, resulting in progression of the slip. A SCFE should be suspected and promptly evaluated in any older child or adolescent presenting with a limp or complaints of hip, groin, thigh, or knee pain, especially if the patient is overweight. The diagnosis is usually made by anteroposterior and frog-leg lateral radiographs of the hips. Common errors at initial presentation include: not obtaining hip radiographs (due to either no hip pain or the lack of an impressive history and physical findings); misreading hip radiographs (the findings can be subtle); and lack of timely referral. Early involvement of and treatment by an orthopedic surgeon can greatly reduce the potential complications. We present three cases of SCFE that highlight common errors made at initial presentation, and a discussion that includes the differential diagnosis of an older child or adolescent with a painful limp.