Previous experiments demonstrated that human cytotrophoblasts and cells of the choriocarcinoma cell line JAr interact in vitro. As a result of this interaction there is an increased synthesis of CG and hPL, probably as a result of the increased CG and hPL synthesis by the cytotrophoblasts. In the present investigation we studied this interaction in greater detail and found that both cytotrophoblasts and JAr cells undergo changes in their biological properties as a result of this interaction. JAr cells and cytotrophoblasts cocultured for 72 hr were fractionated according to their size by centrifugal elutriation. The number of cells in the fraction which contain the largest cells was very significantly increased as a result of the coculture. This increase was due to an increase in the number of cells of both cell types. This fraction was the most active one in the synthesis of CG and hPL. The synthesis of DNA by the JAr nuclei in this fraction of the cocultured cells was almost completely inhibited but in the parallel fraction of the JAr cells cultivated alone the level of DNA synthesis was equal to that of all other JAr cell fractions. Heterokaryons are formed in the coculture. In these heterokaryons a factor which inhibits DNA synthesis in the cytotrophoblasts may inhibit DNA synthesis in JAr nuclei and at least be partly responsible for the inhibition of DNA synthesis observed.