Acylphosphatase, purified from cardiac muscle, catalyzes the hydrolysis of the phosphorylated intermediate of heart sarcolemmal Na+,K(+)-ATPase. This effect was remarkable even using acylphosphatase amounts (100-300 units/mg of membrane protein) near the lower limit of the physiological range; besides the low value of the apparent Km, on the order of 10(-7) M, indicates that the enzyme has a high affinity for this special substrate. The results of a dot-immunobinding assay suggest the possibility of an interaction between acylphosphatase and native, undenaturated Na+,K(+)-ATPase. Moreover, when added to sarcolemmal vesicles, acylphosphatase was found to affect the functional properties of the Na+,K+ pump with regard to the rate of both ATP hydrolysis and cation transport. However, while ATPase activity and Na+ uptake were stimulated, the last at a greater extent, the active K+ transport was inhibited, so that the Na+/K+ ratio, which was calculated as 1.50 without acylphosphatase, rose to 6.68 in the presence of 300 units/mg of vesicle protein of this enzyme. Taken together, the reported results indicate that acylphosphatase, because of its hydrolytic activity on the phosphoenzyme intermediate, induces a sort of "uncoupling" effect on the heart sarcolemmal membrane Na+,K+ pump. Possible mechanisms for such an effect, which suggests a potential role of acylphosphatase in the control of this active transport system, are discussed.