Following monoaural stimulation, long latency auditory evoked potentials (LLAEPs) recorded from contralateral temporal areas have a shorter latency and larger amplitude than those recorded from the ipsilateral temporal areas. This observation agrees with the operational model drawn up in 1967 by Kimura, which assumes that only anatomically prevailing crossed auditory pathways are active during dichotic hearing, while direct pathways are inhibited. The inputs may then be conveyed to the contralateral cortex, from where they finally reach the ipsilateral temporal areas by means of interhemispheric commissures. It is this mechanism which may underline the right ear advantage for verbal stimuli and the left ear advantage for melodies observed when administering dichotic listening tasks. With the aim of verifying this hypothesis, we recorded temporal LLAEPs in a 21 year-old woman suffering from complex partial seizures, whose CT scan and MRI showed corpus callosum agenesia. Our data support the hypothesis that ipsilateral pathways are greatly inhibited by the contralateral pathways, and therefore auditory stimuli can be supposed to reach the contralateral auditory cortex from where they are transferred through the corpus callosum to the ipsilateral auditory cortex.