The authors present the fate of children with particularly severe form of retinoblastoma, in whom despite of treatment both eye balls had to be enucleated. In Ophthalmological Clinic in Kraków there were 70 such cases in the last 30 years, but information was obtained only about 52 children observed for at least 5 years. From among those children 23 (45%) died because of metastases of the tumour. Among the surviving 29, 3 are deeply mentally retarded and remain in nursing homes. The further 22 children maintain average or normal level of mental development, despite the loss of both eyes, they attend schools for the blind and find their place in the society. The remaining four children are talented above average, surprisingly independent, and two among them are university graduate. Owing to the enucleation of the second eye with an advanced tumour the children survived and found their places in the society.