Objective: Review of primary seropapillary carcinoma of the peritoneum.
Type of study: Retrospective.
Place: Department of Gynaecology and Oncology, University Hospital, Rennes.
Subject: 16 patients who underwent chemotherapy and surgery.
Results: Mean age at onset was 62 years with a late clinical diagnosis at an advanced stage. Macroscopically, peritoneal miliary was often associated with a predominant tumoural formation on the epiploon. Treatment included surgical exeresis with endoxan-cisplatin chemotherapy. The prognosis was equivalent to ovarian tumours at similar stages.
Conclusion: Primary seropapillary carcinosis of the peritoneum is a separate group of peritoneal carcinosis distinguishable from peritoneal mesotheliomas and which have a prognosis similar to ovarian tumours. These tumours should be classed as part of the large group of mullerian tumours.