The protooncogene c-kit encodes a receptor type tyrosine kinase and is allelic with the W locus of mice. SLF, the c-Kit ligand which is encoded by the Sl locus, has growth promoting activity for hemopoietic stem cells. Previous studies demonstrated that c-Kit is functionally required for the proliferation of hemopoietic progenitor cells at various differentiation stages in adult bone marrow. However, the absence of functional SLF and c-Kit in fetuses with mutant alleles of Sl and W loci produces only minor effects on the myeloid and early erythroid progenitor cells in the fetal liver, although the level of the late erythroid progenitor cells is significantly affected. We used an anti-c-Kit monoclonal antibody to investigate the expression and function of c-Kit in murine fetal hemopoietic progenitor cells. Flow-cytometric analysis showed that hemopoiesis in the yolk sac and fetal liver started from cells that express c-Kit. The c-Kit expression decreased upon maturation into erythrocytes in each organ. By fluorescence activated cell sorting, the c-Kit+ cell population was enriched with the hemopoietic progenitor cells clonable in vitro (CFU-E, BFU-E and GM-CFC). To elucidate whether c-Kit functions in these progenitor cells in vivo, we took advantage of the antagonistic anti-c-Kit monoclonal antibody, ACK2, which can block the function of c-Kit. Administration of ACK2 after 12.5 days of gestation rapidly eliminated BFU-E and GM-CFC as well as CFU-E from the fetal liver. However, the number of these progenitor cells in the yolk sac and fetal liver was less affected when the fetuses were given ACK2 before 12.5 days of gestation. Our results provide evidence that there are two waves of hemopoiesis in murine embryos relative to c-Kit dependency. The c-Kit has an essential role on the growth of hemopoietic progenitor cells in the fetal liver after 12.5 days of gestation, whereas the progenitor cells in the liver and yolk sac of the earlier embryo do not depend on c-Kit and its ligand SLF.